Animation and
We are a collective of exceptionally talented graphic artists and animators based in Manipur, in the North East of India.
Working for clients the world over for over 10 years, we deliver graphics and animations for online, mobile and blended learning.
Our work is world class and our prices highly competitive. We invite you to get in touch and see for yourself!
What we do

Simplicity is sometimes the hardest outcome to achieve. We work hard to strip away unnecessary "clutter"—arriving at visual explanations that are easy to understand and beautiful to look at.

Our courses are designed to fulfill the essential purpose of the learner and improve self actualization.

We create workshop materials that enhance the intent of facilitators and help them achieve their pre-established goals.

Explanatory videos
A well crafted explanatory video can
explain complex processes and concepts easily and reinforce learning.

Design and Illustration
Good design and illustration are catalysts to effective learning. We have a capable team that brings life to content
and enables learners to clearly visualize concepts.

About Us
We are a team of committed professionals providing superior animation, graphics and learning solutions across the globe.
We are devoted to delivering high quality services on time.
Contact us

Kwakeithel Akham Leikai,
Tiddim Road Imphal,
Manipur - 795001
Email: contact@oomaibi.com
Phone: +91 9665095184
+91 6909363327
Get in touch. We are here to help.